
May 24, 2010

Family and Gifts

Saturday was our visit to the correctional institution. It went as usual, two hour drive through the woods, stopping to stretch now and then and enjoy what time we can. We visit for two hours or so, play scrabble, and try to be pleasant and optimistic about the future. Soon to be released from this institution, my son faces more challenges on this journey. It will be over someday.

We do manage to have a good visit. We are a family and that shows. There's plenty of love there. As we were leaving I noticed another father working hard to hold back his tears. I know what he feels like, I had to turn as I had a problem holding back my own at that moment. We were pretty quiet as we left. We found a park close by where we stop and walk a bit after our visits. It gives us time to change our attitudes before our journey home. This time there were a flock of geese resting on their journey. A two hour drive home and Saturday is pretty much over, but that just means there are less Saturday's to go before my son comes home. I have to find something positive to think about. It's hard, but I do manage.

I played in the kitchen and my husband spent some time working in the yard yesterday.  My husband is very sweet, handles things his own way. He takes his camera and brings me flowers. We do have a beautiful home, lot of love, and a lot to be grateful for.

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