Another beautiful day! We haven't seen the cat. We offered him a few ways to climb down from that tree last night including attaching a rug runner to a long tree trimming tool and holding it way up to one of the branches in hopes that he would jump on it and run down. No such luck. We gave up trying to coax him out of that tree and went to bed. This morning he doesn't seem to be up there and we haven't seen him. If he did get down safely, he probably decided he didn't want to play here anymore. I did try to feed him vegan pizza and rice milk. That's all I had. This morning I had my coffee with this little guy. I put a bird feeder with some seeds out on the deck, but the squirrels like it too. I think he was having fun just sitting and swinging.
Balanced Breakfast |
Porch Swing
It was a busy day in the community garden. Lots of people were getting their plots ready and planting wonderful things. I am looking forward to all the fresh colors and beautiful plants that will cover the garden soon. It's such a pleasant place to be. It's fun to see all the different techniques everyone uses. Everyone has their own special touch. We learn a lot from walking around and looking at all the gardens. I think there are 120 gardens in this plot. Today there were the sounds of rototillers, children, dogs, and friends and family enjoying the weather. We started our bean trellis. We are hoping to create a little sitting place under our beans, we'll see. We are pretty pleased with our progress so far.
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